To report an accident call (Para reporter un accidente llame ) 24/7 accident/injury hotline (linea de informacion de relcamaciones) 1-888-225-4990
All accidents/injuries must be reported to your supervisor immediately (Todos los accidentes o lesions tienen que ser reportados inmediatamente a su supervisor)
Workforce Business Services, (WBS) is a professional employer organization that provides a wide range of services, including, but not limited to workers’ compensation insurance for the construction industry. Without the usual hassles and distractions of owning and operating a business, you are free to pursue your most ambitious business objectives. We believe that one of the greatest resources of any business is the human one; an inspired and energized work force will help you create a successful and productive company.
"It is estimated that 2-3 million Americans are currently co-employed in an employee leasing arrangement” – Source: National Association of Professional Employer Organizations.
We provide coverage from a top of the line, national carrier because you deserve the very best. Zurich American’s AM Best rating is A+ (Superior) with a Financial Strength of XV.
Without the usual hassles and distractions of owning and operating a business, you and your decision makers are free to pursue your most ambitious business objectives.
Risk engineering is a key component for large employers, but even more so for small employers. WBS furnishes our clients with a valuable resource to help improve this critical part of their business.